Mind Freed from 5 Hindrances Unifies in Samadhi | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Dhamma Talk

Ajahn Dhammasiha explains that 'attaining' samādhi is not just a questions of technique or sitting a lot. The crucial factor is the suspension of the 5 hindrances: Sensual Desire Ill Will/Aversion Laziness/Sleepiness Restlessness & Remorse Doubt We have to consistently work against these 5 hindrances, in our formal meditation as well as in daily life, to weaken them to such an extend that our heart can experience the rapture and bliss resulting from their abandonment. www.dhammagiri.net

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Our Spotify Playlists are here: https://open.spotify.com/user/8z4dmrysnbbnjtz9f0wzjgcre Dhammatalks, Chanting, Precepts and Meditation with Ajahn Dhammasiha and other experienced Senior Buddhist Monks in the Theravada Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah. Recorded at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, Brisbane, Australia. Our website: https://www.dhammagiri.net Our Youtube Channel, including regular live streams on the weekend "Dhammatalks at Dhammagiri": https://www.youtube.com/@dhammatalksatdhammagiri8724 Our email Newsletter: https://www.dhammagiri.net/newsletter .