Evening Puja at Wat Doi Phra Jao | Luang Por Tong Daeng & Sangha | Ajahn Dhammasiha

Evening chanting on the Quarter Moon Day at Wat Phra Jao Ton Luang, Luang Por Tongdang's monastery near Chiang Mai, Thailand. Ajahn Dhammasiha is visiting, and Luang Por Tong Daeng (Tan Chao Khun Phrarajvachirakhun) has kindly granted permission for the evening chanting to be recorded and published on our podcast. After paying respects and reciting homage to the Buddha, the sangha of about 20 monks chants the traditional Thai evening chanting, the exhaultation of the noble qualities of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. This is followed by an recitation of the second formal discourse of the Buddha, the 'Anatta-lakkhana-sutta' (Discourse on the Characteristic of Not-Self). Several verses of well-wishing, blessings, and protection bring the evening puja to an end. All the chanting is in the ancient Indian Pali language, the language of the Buddha himself. https://www.dhammagiri.net .

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