What does it really mean if you are always running project to project?

Penny, On Your Thoughts - Ein Podcast von Penny Chiasson


Are you numbing yourself out with your business? Hi, this is Penny. Welcome back to Design Your Destiny. And this is something that I see as I stand back and I observe a lot of very successful people who are entrepreneurs and they race from one big launch, project, or business deal to the next. Now don't get me wrong, I understand how business works. We can't just take our foot off the gas and stop and just let everything go. Not when we're talking very large businesses when we need to be evolving product lines, streamlining services, adapting to the market. I totally get all of that. But have you ever thought to yourself if I wasn't spearheading a big project, if I wasn't about to go into a launch. If I wasn't creating a new product, I don't know what I would do with myself. Like I really just don't know what I would do with myself. All I know is throwing myself into my business. Then you are really treading into dangerous territory from a mental, emotional, and physical health standpoint. because when we stay in that state of always on, of always having to be on our toes, to go, to anticipate, to be vigilant, even hyper vigilant to things that could crop up and cause issues in our business, we're staying in a constant state of stress activation.  [00:02:50] One of the newest fads going around is for people to reveal, you know now that you've left your past job or profession, what's a big scam that no one knows about. And I'm going to tell you that disease is a scam. And here's what I mean by that. Over 90% of all doctors' visits are due to symptoms and conditions caused by stress. Everything from low back pain, to autoimmune disease, to high blood pressure, to heart disease, diabetes, asthma, the list goes on. These things are due to stress activation. And one thing that I know about most very high level entrepreneurs that I have connected with the one thing that they want is they want longevity. They want a happy life. You want longevity, you want a vibrant, vital life. And if you're burning the candle at both ends, and you're staying under this constant high pressure, it has probably crossed your mind that you know what, I'm probably not gonna live another 10 years. This is something that was just related to me recently. You know, I'm just going from one thing to the next. I probably won't live another 10 years. And this person is younger than I am. So that's a very stark realization as to what is going on in this process. A lot of people think of stress as having a lot of things happening in your life. That's not the only place that stress comes from.  [00:04:42] Stress comes from mental pressure. It comes from emotional pressure. It comes from pressure in the past. So imagine. If you're going into this big launch and things are going really well, however, in the past you had one launch that really if you could just take that section of your life and you had a big, giant eraser, and you could just wipe it the fuck outta your mind, you would all of the emotion, the interpretations, the meaning and the beliefs that were created around that, they're going to be in your subconscious underneath the surface. Your mind is going to be constantly searching and comparing. Now that's not the same as learning. We can learn from an experience and not have any emotional issue with it, if we learn that lesson and we accepted it and we let it go. But if we're in a state of comparison or like, oh, we can't let this happen again, rather than starting fresh and starting anew, that is running underneath the surface. And your mind is looking for ways to avoid the pain that you experienced before. So there can be a lot of stress coming in, and that could be one of the reasons you find yourself running from one project to the next. [00:06:02] Is there a part of you that has to prove to yourself that you can repeat your success? Because maybe a part of you thinks you just happen to be in the right place at the right time before, or maybe you just got lucky. So that's one of the things that keep us from running one project to the next we have to prove to ourselves. We can also have these hidden stories. Believe it or not. We have uncovered these stories with people who make a ton of money. You would think someone would not have these stories, but this person's family actually was very comfortable. There was no poverty involved or anything like that. They were very comfortable. However, the father and the mother came from very little means, and they had built up a very comfortable lifestyle, but the mother and the father operated from the fear of, “we have to make sure we have money. We can't spend all the money. We have to be frugal with the money. We have to save for a rainy day”. And this stuff was trickling over into someone's business. Who's making eight figures. It was trickling in like there was this hesitation, there was this mental hand break about investing to go to a next level. And out of the blue, we reveal this thing that like, you have to work hard for your money, right. So this person was unable to pause because it was instilled in them from their parents, that they worked hard to be comfortable. So you have to work hard to be comfortable. That's what it takes to be comfortable. That's what it takes to have more than enough money is to work hard. So this person doesn't know how to take a break. They work themselves into the ground and actually was recently hospitalized from working themselves into the ground; from creating that stress, there was so much stress their body wasn't able to fight infection and it took them down, took 'em out.  [00:08:15] The other thing that can happen is we lose sight of what it is that we want. We lose sight of our vision. In the early days of building a business, we're so committed. We're so disciplined. We're so all freaking in on what's happening, that we lose sight of what we really wanted. And we get caught up in needing to build this success and then build the next success. We forget to celebrate what we've achieved because God forbid, this is in some circles, God forbid you're successful, and you actually appreciate the fact that you're successful because that means you must not care about people who you passed on the way up. Which is totally not true. You can be compassionate and kind and charitable through giving and elevating humanity. Money allows us to do that. Money allows us to grow that. But we can lose sight of what it was we really wanted when we were younger. And we get caught on this hamster wheel and now we don't know how to get off. Well, I know how to get off. And the first step is to like pause. You have to really pause and do the inner work and dig in and see what's important to you. Allow yourself to reconnect with who you really are, to reconnect with that happiness, because sometimes when we get into this place of running from project to project, launch to launch, business to business, what we're doing is, we are numbing ourselves from the fact that something is not aligned with us. We're unhappy. we're dissatisfied with life, but if we stop for 10 minutes and we have to sit with what's between our ears and we have to think about it, then we realize that we have built this big thing. We have all this wealth and we're miserable. [00:10:22] Me personally, I never want to be in that place. And fortunately, I've learned about these patterns as I'm growing my business so I can do checks and balances on myself to make sure my decisions are taking me in a direction that maintains that connection with myself that maintains that happiness. But for some people work is their drug. Work is the drug of choice. Work is what numbs you from being dissatisfied with what you've created, or having to sit with your thoughts around what you believe about yourself. This is a very complex topic. It's something that I could spend hours on and really dive in. Each and every person is different, that's why I've given so many different scenarios. There is no one size fits all. That's why my work is not one size fits all. Everything is highly individualized and custom tailored to my clients. Because a one size fits all approach is not going to fit. It might make you feel better for a little while, but if you wanna solve the problem. and get out of this rut, then it's gonna take commitment to yourself. It is going to take diving into what's going on in your life, and it takes attention to detail of your life, of what's happening for you, what's going on for you personally. So if you're ever interested in diving into this, knowing what it is to get connected inward, to remember what happiness is, to remember what brings you joy, I am more than happy to connect with you on that. Just go to the website, pennychiasson.com, and apply for a call with me. Apply for a call and you and I can get together and chat about what vision it is you have. And if you have no idea what that vision is, if that seems so foreign to you, let's connect anyway, because I can get you moving in the right direction, just on that call.  Until next week, bye now! Thanks for tuning in today! 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