Ron v Gavin

The governor of Florida debated the governor of California last night. They drew a sharp contrast. DeSantis pounded the facts. Newsom slipped and slided around the truth. Dennis analyzes some “highlights.” In which state would you rather live?  Did you come to one realization that made you a happier person? Callers have stories.  Issues raised include: You say the Left doesn’t want nuclear power… but they do, according to the NYT’s we just don’t have the engineers; I gave up bad words and getting mad at age 55; Republicans are in a conundrum… many people don’t like Trump… the best option is DeSantis; have you ever had your brother on the show; Calhoun’s Utopia – rodent society study compared to human society with regards to reproduction; saying “so what” has changed my life; there are some people who will not leave any inheritance to their children… why would they do that? Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.See for privacy information.

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Dennis Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. Each day, he tackles topics of politics, faith, and culture with ease and expertise. His motto is, "I prefer clarity to agreement.” He is deeply passionate about preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system. You can also watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel