Climate Hysteria

Julie Hartman guest hosts for Dennis… Some California teens are suing the EPA. The students claim that a fossil fuel free world is their Constitutional right. The danger is that some woke judge might take these silly young people seriously. It is California, after all.  Julie reads out the titles of prize-winning Harvard essays. No fiction writer could make them up; they’re that ridiculous… Julie talks to Brandon Weichert, publisher of The Weichert Report: An Online Journal of Geopolitics. The topic is the Middle East.  Julie talks to Carol Swain, former political science professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt. Credible reports suggest that the controversial President of Harvard, Claudine Gay, plagiarized her work.  Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.See for privacy information.

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Dennis Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. Each day, he tackles topics of politics, faith, and culture with ease and expertise. His motto is, "I prefer clarity to agreement.” He is deeply passionate about preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system. You can also watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel