Det tekniske ansvar med Rune Kristensen fra Life Science Robotics

I denne episode har vi inviteret Rune Kristensen ind i studiet. Rune er CTO ved Life Science Robotics, som er et fremtidsorienteret og robotentusiastisk medicofirma, der har til formål at gøre en forskel for patienter og personale gennem forbindelsen mellem menneske og robot. Vi skal tale om den industrielle del i industrielt design, om at have det fulde tekniske ansvar og hvordan passer det med en Industrielt Design-profil fra Aalborg Universitet.   Gæst: Rune Kristensen, CTO ved Life Science Robotics Vært: Linda Nhu Laursen, Assistant Professor, AAUMedvært og Producer: Quang Tran, Industriel DesignerMusik: Oliver Grundsø / Oliver Lake

Om Podcasten

We are researchers who talk about design driven innovation, design thinking vs. designerly thinking, sustainability and product lifetime etc. Within the field of design and innovation we will discuss and share new knowledge from our own conducted research at Aalborg University. We believe that design can have a major positive impact on the sustainability of the future and that our new studies can help with exactly that. Whether you are a design student or an expert designer with years of practical experience in the field, we hope you will listen along and join the conversation. - Associate Professor Louise M. Haase and Assistant Professor Linda N. Laursen