Death, Sex & Money's Coronavirus Reading List

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As we limit our face-to-face interactions and watch more news about the COVID-19 pandemic roll in, it’s important to find community in other ways. That could look like hopping on the phone or FaceTime with loved ones; stockpiling medicine, cleaning supplies, and food to share; and finding creative ways to keep our spirits up in a confusing and difficult time.

All of us at Death, Sex & Money encourage you to continue to reach out as we move through this together. You can share your thoughts, tips, and concerns at [email protected]. We're also going to be touching base with you all more often via our newsletter—if you're not signed up already, you can subscribe here

In the meantime, we’ve pulled together some resources that we hope you find as helpful as we did.

The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention both have official guidelines about how to contain the outbreak as much as possible.

Gothamist has a running list of NYC-related coronavirus news and preparation tips.

Infectious disease expert Dr. Robert Citronberg broke down everything you need to know about the disease in the Chicago Tribune.

ProPublica reporter Caroline Chen on the questions we should be asking about the coronavirus.

A list of catchy songs to wash your hands to besides singing "Happy Birthday" twice. 

Vox has compiled a list of nine charts that help explain the crisis, from spread to contagiousness to symptoms.  

BuzzFeed offers some useful tips for staying home and a flowchart for what to do if you think you may have contracted the virus.

Vogue offers up concrete tips about working from home, from someone who's been doing it for years. 

Writer Taffy Brodesser-Akner reminds us to find connection in a time of “social-isolation.”

Lists of online-only addiction recovery support groups and anxiety support groups.

The New Yorker's piece "Coping, Camaraderie and Human Evolution Amid the Coronavirus Crisis."

And from Netflix’s The Circle...cast member Joey Sasso has surprisingly soothing advice for when you’re stuck at home.

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