Episode 108 | 댄스필름 비하인드 스토리

In our 108th episode, YeaJean talks to JungJae Hur, DaeWook Jang, YoungMin Kim about their dance film, Never Never Land. Their film was an official selection and award winner in the NBFF 2021. If English is your primary language we will see you back on April 27th! (29:19) 이번 인터뷰는 2021노박스댄스필름페스티벌에서 관객상을 수상한 작품 허정재 감독, 장대욱 배우, 김영민 배우님과 함께하였습니다. 제작 비하인드 스토리와, 댄스필름과 몸의 상호작용에 대해 이야기 나누었습니다. Episode Show kNOwtes | Podcast Home

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Social media has influenced our way of life. kNOwBOX dance [a Dallas-based 501(c)(3) non-profit arts service organization] leadership—YeaJean Choi, Azaria Hogans, Reyna Mondragon, and Martheya Nygaard—co-host Dance Behind the Screen podcast a conversation series with people who have dance-related careers questioning the influence of social media in dance process, production, and publicity. On this show, they interview the top artists, scholars, and leaders about who they are, their careers, and the impact of social media on the dance world. This podcast aims to inspire, entertain, and offer new perspectives to think outside of the box. Whether you are a dance artist, educator, scholar, or are curious about the impact of social media on dance, this is the podcast for you.