602- REVOLVER (Film 9/11/05) – Wake Up Mr. Greene! (Free)
Crrow777Radio.com - Ein Podcast von Crrow777 - Mittwochs

The number one question I am regularly asked about the film Revolver is, “Who is Mr. Gold?” Actually, this question is answered in the very beginning of the film. The following quote is attributed to Julius Caesar; “The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look”. In the context of the movie Revolver, the place you would never look is your mind. This is made very clear in the film through the following quote from “The Road to Suicide” (pg1, line 1); “The only real enemy to have ever existed, is an internal one”. To be very clear, the confusing storyline in Revolver gives a name to “the eternal enemy who is hiding the very last place you would ever look” … Mr. Gold. And in this realm, we are all subject, (with very few exceptions), to Mister Black-Magic, Mister “I-run-this-game”, Mister Gold. Alas, Mr. Gold has other names you might know him by. Your Name, The Devil, The Other, The Enemy, Evil, The Ego. There is another key quote offered in the film Revolver which applies to the reality one must face when setting out to take control of the mind. “There is no avoiding war, it can only be postponed to the advantage of your enemy” (Niccolò Machiavelli, 1502). The longer one waits to face and defeat The Enemy at the Gate, the longer delusion and manipulation will be your bedfellow. Truly, Mr. Gold is responsible for all the pain and suffering there ever was in this world. At some point, one who wishes to spiritually advance must gain control by realizing that there is no external enemy. One must realize that the voice in their head, is not their voice at all. “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (KJV Luke 17:21). Yes, you have been told where to search to find spiritual elevation, salvation… God. Unfortunately, most of us were not told by corporate western religion that there is a gatekeeper with bad intent, blocking, and hiding the way to the inner sanctum. This is a force responsible for conveying and cementing the illusion of separation and separateness. In our minds this destroys the interconnectedness of all living beings. The one responsible for all of the pain and suffering in this world is born of self-centered delusion, while remaining veiled by the best disguise one could ever hope to employ against an opponent. The invisible enemy is silent because when you listen for him, you only hear yourself. Do you now resolve the value of the Golden Rule, now that the moving finger has written? How quickly it moves away. Leaving us, as always, with our thoughts. And what do those thoughts intimate? Does the voice/thought tell you this is all nonsense? Does it tell you to ignore the message of a silly, violent movie, and its ridiculous character Mr. Gold? Or, does it tell you something else, and if so, can you tell the difference? There is in fact an enemy at the gate. THE GREATEST CON HE EVER PULLED WAS MAKING YOU BELIEVE THAT HE IS YOU! SOLAR IMAGES NOW ON SALE! Purchase a single image: Single Solar Images Purchase multiple images: Multiple Solar Images Finally, my one-of-a-kind solar images are available for purchase. All images were shot in the hydrogen alpha wavelength and processed by me using a 130mm solar telescope. Images are large hi-res downloads that can be printed in feet or inches. Lunt, the scope manufacturer, told me there are only three scopes of this size sold in North America! The ability to do this work on the Sun… is now years in the making! **NOTE** The 11th member solar video is available now under the video link on the website. The light of this world is complex beyond description. It is as critical to our lives as food, water and air. I find much of what we have been told about our Sun to be false. I do accept that the Sun is intricately tied to the age ...