Episode 81: Crashing The Party #82

CRASHING THE PARTY! Arresting new kaboomer today, chock fulla whistle blowers and party goers - catch the deboo of our stoked n' smoked showarama at 6PM EST today, Thursday at luxuriamusic.com, all ruff an' tuff doowop irregularities and maniacal mayhem from your hosts in Parts Unknown, Marc and Miriam. Greasers and no-counts only! Dig us all ways at www.crashingtheparty.co

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Crashing The Party! The best in doo wop and vocal group harmony with Marc & Miriam! Mondays and Saturdays at 5PM ET on Kicksville Radio!Thursdays 6PM ET on Luxuria Music!Sundays 5PM ET on The Hound NYC!