Prima Facie: Shifting narratives around consent in the courtroom

Court in the Act - Ein Podcast von The West Australian

How’s about this for a guest list?  The Chief Justice of Western Australia. The Attorney General of Western Australia. The former DPP of Western Australia, turned Supreme Court judge.  Two of the richest people in Australia. The former chairman of the West Coast Eagles. More lawyers. More judges. Former judges.   You would think that only the most pressing and potentially career defining legal issue would command such an audience – after business hours no less.  But last week, this gathering of Perth’s lawful Illuminati did not take place in a court, or in an office, but in a theatre.  The Heath Ledger Theatre – to witness the premier of the Black Swan State Theatre Company’s production of Prima Facie.   A legal drama, created by playwright Suzie Miller, which has not only taken the theatre world by storm for years.  But has also actually helped shift legal thinking and teaching, on the everlong debate surrounding sexual assault, consent – and how those issues are dealt with within the courtroom.  Joining Tim on Court in the Act this week to discuss the production, the reaction – and the legacy – is Kate Champion, the director of Perth’s production of Prima Facie. See for privacy information.