Episode 125-James Grace on Financial Planning After the Bar

Counsel to Counsel - Career Advice for Lawyers - Ein Podcast von Stephen Seckler: attorney career, marketing and leadership coach


We talk a lot on this program about finding ways to build a more satisfying legal career.  While many attorneys are drawn to the profession because they care about justice, they like the idea of becoming a trusted advisor, or they just enjoy the intellectual rigor of being an attorney, status and money are important too.  But if you are like me, one of the reasons you chose law school rather than business school is because math is not your jam. If you are a lawyer who has been practicing for a few years and thinking about your financial health and your financial future, you may have questions about paying off your student loans or figuring out how much to start saving for retirement. Maybe you aren’t sure how to organize your finances now that you are planning for life’s big events like buying a house or starting a family. Maybe you are thinking about eventually starting your own law practice and you aren’t sure how to get your financial house in order. James Grace has joined me for a very practical conversation about managing your finances as you get past the early stages of your legal career. Jim is the Director of Wealth Management for Silver Pine Capital.  Jim worked at regional wealth management agencies and banks before joining Silver Pine.  Jim describes himself as an educator, coach, motivator, confident, coach.  He is also the host of the Modern Financial Wellness podcast.  He is also someone I've gotten to know, like, and trust through my ProVisors business network. Additional Resources Episode 62- Financial & Career Planning for Senior Attorneys Episode 93-Planning for Retirement with Julie Jason, The Discerning Investment Advisor  

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