484. Adventures in Spirituality with davidji, Day 4: Your True Nature
Commune with Jeff Krasno - Ein Podcast von Commune
Welcome to Day 4 of Adventures in Spirituality with davidji. In this course, davidji pairs ancient wisdom with daily meditations so you can awaken your sacred powers. You’ll learn how to lift the veil of ordinary consciousness to see your life with more clarity, experience greater ease, joy, and love, and heal the wounds of your past. Day 4 – Your True Nature – The 12th-century Sufi poet Hafiz said, "I'm simply a hole in the flute through which the Christ breath flows." We're all just holes in the flute. This is a powerful teaching in the ancient wisdom traditions. We are releasing Days 1 through 5 of davidji’s Commune program here on the podcast. If you want to watch the full video version – which includes 10 days of core lessons, practice meditations, and bonus videos – go to onecommune.com/trial and sign up for a free trial of Commune Membership, including the full-length version of Adventures in Spirituality. This podcast is supported by:Apollo NeuroThe Apollo™ wearable uses scientifically-backed touch therapy to rebalance your nervous system and support your circadian rhythm. Sleep better, feel calmer, find focus, and get energized with this groundbreaking new wearable. SPECIAL OFFER FOR FRIENDS OF COMMUNE: Try the Apollo wearable today and get $40 off your purchase at apolloneuro.com/communeThrive MarketThis podcast is supported by Thrive Market - Join Thrive Market today and get a FREE $80 in free groceries when you go to thrivemarket.com/communeTimeline NutritionTimeline Nutrition is pioneering a new approach to longevity, one that stands on a decade of scientific discovery to unlock the power within your cells. Your body is an energy generating machine, Timeline makes it more powerful. Use code commune to get 10% off at timelinenutrition.com/commune