The Power of Masterminds & How to Market Yourself

Commercial Real Estate Investing From A-Z - Ein Podcast von Steffany Boldrini - Donnerstags


What are some ways that real estate operators and syndicators could market themselves in today's world? What are the benefits of a mastermind? Kyle Wilson founder of Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore, and, shares his wisdom.Read this entire interview here: are some ways that real estate operators and syndicators could market themselves in today's world with all the technology, and now even ChatGPT?After I sold my companies, I retired for seven years and when I decided to come back and create my mastermind, I had to put myself out there. And my first thoughts and observations were social media. I'm a big believer, in The Wheel which I started in 1993, you're the hub and each thing you do is a spoke. The big question is how to get people on the wheel, and then take them around, and I think a lot of people leave out is the getting them on the wheel part. And I thought social media had a couple of powerful components: 1) anyone in the world can find you and you can reach anyone else in the world and, for the most part, it's free. And so, I thought, "Okay, I'm going to have to get in the social media game." I didn't want to, I was still missing my story, and I was living a very almost private life. I wouldn't even do a Jim Rohn post, and not even mention that he was my business business partner and that I owned Jim Rohn International, the company that I'd sold. We have to be willing to put ourselves out there. It's our ego that doesn't want to be judged, I had to be content to say some people are going to judge me, they're going to say, "Oh, I'm bragging, or I'm whatever", versus the other people that say, "Kyle, I've been following you, you're making a difference in my life."If I can get them on the wheel, that's not a funnel, funnels have agendas, I'm not talking selling, everything I've ever taught is about attracting, it's about fishing versus hunting. I've always talked about marketing as principles and tactics and tactics change all the time. The tactics to fill a room in 1993 changed in 2004, and that changed 2010, and that changed 2016, and today is also different, but the principles haven't changed at all. The core principles are:1) Build a relationship with people, and build trust. To do that, you have to have a way to talk to them and social media is the first step, podcasts are great for that as well. And from there, getting people onto an email list that you have a little bit more control over.2) You have to show up where the people are. I'm a big proponent of events, especially specific types of events that are industry related and your avatar will be there. You have to show up sometimes whether it's groups or events, or that can be online. But again, anywhere I go, there is an intention, if I meet my avatar, is there something of value I can bring to them in the way of some resources. I have a bunch of free resources and that's how we became friends, you got on my email list, and we followed each other on social media, and we met at an event. I've done that 1000s of times but I also am not going to just hard sell them, it's the wheel. They go on the wheel, you put it out there, there's no agenda and when the customers are ready, that's when it happens. It's not about who, it's when the right person is ready, and taking the agenda out. But first, you have to get them on that social media's first step, or that email list.Kyle [email protected]

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