JJ Abrams Responds to Rise of Skywalker Critics: “They’re Right” - Movie Talk
On today's Movie Talk, the team breaks down the weekend box office which includes a $175.5 million estimated start for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. They also weigh in on reports that Universal is still working on the Cats movie, even though it's already playing in theaters nationwide. Collider Movie Talk host Perri Nemiroff welcomes John Rocha and Scott Menzel to discuss the day’s biggest topics in movie news! You can watch #ColliderMovieTalk live every Monday-Friday at 12pm ET / 9am PT. #RiseOfSkywalker #TheNewMutants Follow Perri Nemiroff: https://twitter.com/PNemiroff Follow John Rocha: https://twitter.com/TheRochaSays Follow Scott Menzel: https://twitter.com/TheOtherScottM Subscribe to Collider Videos ? ? https://bit.ly/2n1MZb7 Breaking Entertainment News ? ? http://collider.com Get Social! ? https://twitter.com/ColliderVideo ? https://instagram.com/ColliderVideo ? https://facebook.com/colliderdotcom More from Collider ? ? ??Collider Live: https://bit.ly/1qU5ENT ??Celebrity Interviews: https://bit.ly/2OyLjSU ??Video Games: https://bit.ly/2vszg0Z ??Sports: https://bit.ly/2Au5rmv ?????Pro Wrestling: https://bit.ly/2LKhWzy ??Podcasts: https://podcastone.com/network/Collider