'The Anonymous Bouncer' | Why Anonymous?, Cambridge Union (Politics, Elections, Class Inequality), The TitHaller, Upbringing (Money, Limitations, Habits), BNOC (OFF) | Coffee's on Me, David Quan 权丁文

Coffee's on Me, David Quan 权丁文 Podcast Community - Ein Podcast von David Quan 权丁文

The anonymous bouncer is a first year HSPS student at Queen’s College. He has previously served as a Cambridge Union Full Committee member on the social media team making (unfunny) TikToks. Since then, he had focused on his work with the TitHaller, as well as balancing his degree with his part time job as a bouncer. When the anonymous bouncer isn’t out attending Pints and Policy with the Labour Club, or watching debates at the Union, the anonymous bouncer is a singer and spends time writing h...

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