Ewan Martin-Kane | Being David Quan's Cambridge Neighbour, 'Unsoiled' Play Writer & Director, How To 'Create Without Caveats', Story-Telling Best Practices, Editor-in-Chief of Cambridge's oldest Arts
Coffee's on Me, David Quan 权丁文 Podcast Community - Ein Podcast von David Quan 权丁文
Ewan Martin-Kane is an English finalist, soon to enter his twenty-first year of life. Roughly one and a quarter of those years were spent being the neighbour of local podcast host David Quan, whom he admires for his all-encompassing friendliness. Having written and directed a play called ‘Unsoiled’ last year, Ewan is now organising Smorgasbord, an evening of new student-written theatre. He is also the current editor in chief of Cambridge's longest-running writing and arts zine, which is calle...