1 Minute Preview: Anna Morgan (Founding Chatbridge, CAMFM Debates, Music Choral Scholar, Gap Year, Technology, HSPS, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge) | Coffee's on Me, David Quan 权丁文
Coffee's on Me, David Quan 权丁文 Podcast Community - Ein Podcast von David Quan 权丁文
Anna Morgan is a first year HSPS student at Sidney Sussex, who lives near Brighton. She’s involved with lots of theatrical and musical pursuits at Cambridge, like directing plays and singing jazz and is a choral scholar at Sidney. Head of Speech at Cam FM and co-hosting a radio show called Chatbridge, Anna is starting a new debate themed show this term. She also is an Ents officer for Sidney JCR – which basically involves putting on lots of parties and film nights! Anna loves her degree but l...