144. My Best Advice to Sell without Being Salesy
Coaches on a Mission - Ein Podcast von Dallas Travers
Let’s talk about what the heck to do at the end of a sales call when a potential client says.. “Maybe, let me think about it.” A couple of days ago we talked about the importance of really centering the client which means presenting a clear invitation at the end of every single sales call. The intention is to give the client the dignity of their own process and, truthfully, some people need time. Whether they need to talk to a partner, move money around, or they need to just think things through. So in this episode, I will introduce you to an extremely powerful tool to help you gracefully serve those folks who truly just need to take a beat before they decide AND to help you do so in a way where you don’t feel like some sort of weird stalker. Sounds great, huh? Let’s dive in! TIMESTAMPS: 00:03:00 - REAL numbers from the last Client Surge Cohort 00:05:00 - What to do when a client says they need to think about it before they hire you 00:07:30 - Three tips to create accountability in your sales calls (so you don’t feel like a stalker) 00:09:00 - What is an invite letter and when to send it 00:12:00 - Dallas summarizes the episode and shares takeaways CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/dallastraversbizmentor ENROLL IN CLIENT SURGE: https://joinclientsurge.com/ TEST DRIVE MODULE 1 OF CLIENT SURGE: https://joinclientsurge.com/testdrive