People, Planet, and Profit... And the youth shall lead us to a triple bottom line.

 Guided by the principles of people, planet, profit, and empathy, Kehkashan Basu and Steve Petterson are among the new generation of leaders trying to impact our future through better sustainable practices and investments.  Whether its by organizing activities in over 26 countries that have led to the planting tens of thousands of trees, thousands of mangroves, solar installations, as the 21-year old Basu has with her Green Hope foundation or by rethinking the rules of investment by including social and environmental triggers that reduce the cost of loans and choosing investments on the basis of social impact vs profit as  Petterson, founder of the National Social Value Fund does... These two youths are not only leading, but perhaps forging a new way in business and advocasy. 

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The World Bank Group’s private sector arm IFC invites you to discover what’s new in the world of green energy and sustainable business with Esohe Denise Odaro and Shari Friedman. Climate Biz is a leading bi-monthly podcast that explores global sustainability trends from a business perspective.  Join in conversations with leaders from the world of sustainable business and policy or stay in-the-know with our monthly sustainable trends report, covering energy, tech, finance, and the wider real sector.