Ep. #249 - The Bible's Foundation = The Pentateuch w/ Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke (an FSSP seminary professor)

Why are the five books of Moses so important? What are the genres and themes of the Pentateuch? What should we think about Mosaic authorship? How might we understand difficult, violent passages that conflict with modern sensibilities? Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke joins the show to discuss these topics. classicaltheism.com/support  

Om Podcasten

The Classical Theism Podcast aims to defend Catholic Christian ideas in conversation. With the help of various guests, I defend three pillars of the Catholic Christian worldview: (1) the God of classical theism exists, (2) Jesus is our Messiah and Lord, and (3) He founded the Catholic Church. We place a strong emphasis on the first pillar, defending classical theism, drawing upon the work of Thomistic philosopher Dr. Edward Feser and many others. Thanks for listening! John DeRosa [email protected]