Ep. #231 - A Catholic Guide to Gender Discussions w/ Jason Evert

What is the important terminology to know in discussions on gender? Is gender merely a social construct? What does the evidence say regarding differences between males and females? How should Catholic schools respond to gender issues? How should Catholics respond/react to friends that identify as transgender? Jason Evert joins us to discuss these topics and his new book Male, Female, Other? A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender.

Om Podcasten

The Classical Theism Podcast aims to defend Catholic Christian ideas in conversation. With the help of various guests, I defend three pillars of the Catholic Christian worldview: (1) the God of classical theism exists, (2) Jesus is our Messiah and Lord, and (3) He founded the Catholic Church. We place a strong emphasis on the first pillar, defending classical theism, drawing upon the work of Thomistic philosopher Dr. Edward Feser and many others. Thanks for listening! John DeRosa [email protected]