Dear Chiquis: My Sister is Feuding with My Boyfriend, Finding the Meaning of Self-Love and What to Look For In a Business Partner

Dear Chiquis is back for a third season! In this episode, Jenny wants to know how to find a resolution in a feud between her sister and boyfriend; Jess seeks advice on dealing with a health scare without the support of her family; Maria asks me what self-love means to me and Pamela has a question about what to look for in a business partner and ways to find a good work-life balance. You can leave me your questions at! And don’t forget to listen to “Chiquis and Chill” every Monday. They’re longer podcast episodes filled with personal stories and interviews with special guests.See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Get ready to hear Chiquis like never before. In her new podcast, “Chiquis and Chill,” the Latin Grammy winner shares her experience growing up in a famous household, how she’s managed to be so successful in the male-dominated music industry and how she navigates relationships. We’ll also explore health, beauty, entrepreneurship and some spicier topics with special guests.