#09: Now comes with Indie Pop!

Indie Inaugural- CD Baby launches the first episode of its Indie Pop Podcast (an outgrowth of the CD Baby 60's Pop Podcast) with an eclectic sampling of catchy goodness. Perhapst- Perhapst- Cruel Whisk - http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/perhapst Evil Maria- Evil Maria- Along the Way - http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/evilmaria The Van Allen Belt- Superpowerfragilis- Out to Lunch - http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/vanallenb3

Om Podcasten

Power pop? Twee pop? Britpop? Folk pop? Jangle pop? Punk pop? Post pop? We're not big on labels. CD Baby's Indie Pop Podcast is the place for you to discover the best new independent pop music, regardless of style, origin, or influence.