Embracing Divine Authority and Emracing Divine Authority | May 4, 2024 | PHB

Cave Adullam - Ein Podcast von Cave Adullam


Preparing His Bride | May 4, 2024 In this narrative, listeners are guided through a transformative journey of mindset and action. It begins with a call to embody divine instructions, shifting from mere mental acknowledgment to active execution. Central to this transformation is the concept of identity – realizing oneself as a beloved agent of divine will, entrusted with the authority to enforce righteousness. The narrative emphasizes a shift from passive observance to active engagement with spiritual battles. Listeners are urged to confront defiance against God's will with righteous indignation, mobilizing spiritual reinforcements through prayer, fasting, and declaration. This includes addressing personal weaknesses, confronting societal injustices, and championing divine principles in every sphere of influence. Crucial to this transformation is a shift in mindset, from a church-centric mentality to a kingdom-focused perspective. Believers are called to recognize their role as agents of God's dominion on earth, bearing the responsibility to enforce divine order and justice. This entails a rejection of spiritual laziness and a commitment to fervent prayer, strategic warfare, and uncompromising adherence to divine standards. Throughout the narrative, listeners are reminded of their authority as co-heirs with Christ, empowered to enact divine justice and bring about transformation in their lives and communities. The narrative culminates in a call to action, urging believers to embrace their identity, confront spiritual opposition, and actively participate in the fulfillment of God's purposes on earth. In essence, this narrative serves as a call to arms, challenging believers to embody a mindset of dominion, righteousness, and fervent action in the pursuit of God's kingdom. PHB | May 4, 2024 | Preparing His bride Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cave-adullam/id1473967577 Check us out on Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/02wUJ3WYccOFWDtQq486EJ or download the Podcast episodes for free : https://hearthis.at/caveadullam-hl/#tracks Follow us on Facebook & Instagram Facebook Cave Adullam : https://www.facebook.com/caveadullam.org Ministers Rest : https://www.facebook.com/ministersrest/ Preparing His bride : https://web.facebook.com/phbfellowship/ #STNG : https://www.facebook.com/securingthenextgeneration/ Instagram Cave Adullam: https://www.instagram.com/caveadullam/ #STNG : https://www.instagram.com/securingthenextgeneration/