E3 Capricorn Season (Energetic Explorations for Evolution)

Carving a New Path Podcast - Ein Podcast von carvinganewpath

Capricorn Season theme is: Building and Aligning: Integrating Inner and Outer Life.  Welcome to the monthly call for the E3 Facebook Group: Energetic Explorations for Evolution. This group is open to women and men. If you would like to join us on Facebook, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/energeticexplorationsforevolution/ Beth Shekinah Terrence and I started this group in March of 2023 and have used astrology as a way to set a container for a conversation. We pick a monthly theme using the inspiration from the current astrology and share that as a guidepost to explore your own life. The theme that Beth and I have chosen for Capricorn Season is Building and Aligning: Integrating Inner and Outer Life.  Capricorn energy is structure, boundaries, hardworking, ambitious with patience and determination. The symbol for Capricorn is the sea-goat which gives it the ability to navigate material and emotional realms. It is a sign that is serious and playful.  This is a great energy to tap into as we begin 2024.  From an energy perspective, one of the most important things you can do this year is to commit to practices, tools and healing modalities that build s structure within. Building a core strength will support you as you take action. It will support when you feel rocked or shaken by change that is happening and will continue to happen this year.  This is a time to reflect, review and begin to rebuild your foundation so that you can move forward in your life, work and relationships in deeper alignment. Strengths: Perseverance, Strategic, Integrity, Solitude, Self-Sufficiency, Patience, Strong Willed, Self-Control, Stability, Responsibility, Consistency, Determined, Comfortable with Solitude Shadow: Pessimism, Narrow-mindedness, Stubborn, Workaholic, Controlling  Here are some questions to explore during Capricorn season?·      Do I feel in alignment inwardly and outwardly? ·      Am I expressing myself authentically in the world?·      Do aspects of my life such as my work or relationships reflect my values and vision?·      What changes or structures do I need to put in place to support greater alignment in 2024?·      Are there practices, spiritual, wellness or creative, that can allow me to move into greater alignment? What type of consistency do I need with those?·      How can I learn to create greater balance in my life by learning to navigate the pull to go inward and the push to move outward? ·      What structures or routines may support me in flowing more fluidly with the rhythm of life?·      What does success mean and look like for me? Does it align with my deepest values and visions? ·      What goals are emerging for 2024? (Reminder: January 11th New Moon in Capricorn is a potent time for intention setting for goals and resolutions!) “Marriage of one’s nature with one’s public identity is Capricorn’s endpoint. One’s job and life are indistinguishable - the two are one! It is the oneness of the inward and the outward…The Sea-Goat must select a public role that expresses his/her own personal values, interests, and whims.” ~ Excerpt from Steven Forrest, The Inner Sky   5 vagus nerve hacks to do at your desk from the Movement Paradigm on Youtube.   The Salamander: Interlace your fingers Move them to the back of your head Side bend your body and move your eyes in the opposite direction Soft gaze. Face forward Hold for 30 seconds Come to center Do this on the other side.   Salivating: Generating saliva is a parasympathetic response. A calming response. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and press against the roof of your mouth. Or think about a lemon or an orange. Something that will stimulate saliva. Then bathe your tongue in the saliva Then swallow   Basic Breathing Technique: Short Inhale and Extended Exhale   This is good for when you have a lot going on and you just want to calm down. Short inhale. Longer Extended Exhale. Through your nose. If you need more air, pause and take a br

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