Innovating Evangelization in Quarantine feat. Matt and Erin Ingold and Joe Condit

"What if fear is along for the ride, but doesn't get to sit in the driver's seat?"  CALLED AND CAFFEINATED IS NOW ALSO ON YOUTUBE! WATCH HERE: The coronavirus pandemic is hugely limiting our access to in-person events, but ministry is still happening. Today I'm having coffee with three other innovators who heard the Holy Spirit's call as the world seemed to fall apart in March, and responded with creativity. God works fast in hard times, and we're sharing what that call looked and felt like. In April, Matt and Erin Ingold of Metanoia Catholic founded the Virtual Catholic Conference with 64,000 people tuning in. They organized the dozens of presenters in a matter of weeks. Joe Condit, president of the Catholic Speakers Bureau, (the largest Catholic Speakers organization in the world,) started the Inspire Word series that's connected people with their favorite speakers around the world. And my Be Not Afraid Conference came together in five days with 43 presenters and over 13,000 attendees. Enjoy! Topics Discussed What the call to something new felt like How God's plan can involve all the skill sets you never thought you'd use Using what already exists in an innovative way Overcoming fear and self-doubt when attempting something new Resources The Be Not Afraid Conference materials are still available for free here! Instant access to talks from amazing speakers like Jackie Francois, Fr. Rob Galea, Mary Lenaburg, Joe Melendrez, Meg Hunter-Kilmer, and so many more. Connect with Joe:, Connect with Matt and Erin:,

Om Podcasten

Hearing God's calls for our lives isn't always easy. How do we interpret and understand what God is calling us to, both in our vocation and in other life choices? Join Stacey Sumereau on coffee dates with Catholic friends for insight and inspiring guidance. Stacey toured with Broadway shows before finding out that her dreams weren't making her happy. Her discernment of her future took a radically different turn when Lifetime documented her journey on the reality TV series "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns." Since then she hasn't stopped searching for God's will! More on discernment at Original music by JF Church.