Discernment for Converts and Rolling with the Punches feat. Kathryn Whitaker

“Maybe you should start putting your life into two categories: a no or a hell yes.” Many times I've wondered, "When do things stop changing? When do I get to stop re-adjusting and just be?" The answer is, never. Kathryn Whitaker, mom of six and author of Live Big, Love Bigger, has incredible perspective on coping when plans change. As a mom of six children, one of whom has dealt with ongoing health issues, and in dealing with health issues herself, Kathryn is a bastion of resilience and hope.  We also dive into her conversion and how she learned to hear God's calls as a Protestant youngster. I feel like Catholics can learn so much from the way many of our Protestant brothers and sisters listen for God's voice as though he wants to speak to them personally....because he does! Topics Discussed “Attitude readjustment hour:” How-to How to course-correct faster every time plans change Building resilience  Prioritizing in busy family life Resources Live Big, Love Bigger by Kathryn Whitaker FREE God's Adventure Awaits Summit July 31-Aug 2- Register here! This episode is sponsored by Guadalupe Roastery, a family-owned Catholic coffee company whose mission is to produce exceptional coffee and support fair wages for South American coffee farmers (most only make $5-7 per day!) You can score 10% off the most delicious coffee using code CAFFEINATED10. Visit www.guadaluperoastery.com and be an agent for positive change!

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Hearing God's calls for our lives isn't always easy. How do we interpret and understand what God is calling us to, both in our vocation and in other life choices? Join Stacey Sumereau on coffee dates with Catholic friends for insight and inspiring guidance. Stacey toured with Broadway shows before finding out that her dreams weren't making her happy. Her discernment of her future took a radically different turn when Lifetime documented her journey on the reality TV series "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns." Since then she hasn't stopped searching for God's will! More on discernment at staceysumereau.com Original music by JF Church.