Decolonising Green Spaces: calling plants 'native' is racist

Mai-Anh Peterson is joined by Hollie and Sui on a bloomin' brilliant and insightful discussion around decolonising green spaces. They dig into how poc and marginalised groups feel in green spaces, they then branch out into discussing the history, why gardening is gate kept, how gardening isn't about perfectionism. and then Hollie even graces our ears with a cluckin' chicken impression! Join in on the convo over at besean! Follow besean Support the podcast by buying besean a coffee, 100% of the donations now go towards besean!  STAND WITH MYANMAR AND TAKE ACTION We've reached 30,000 signatures! Sign the petition for media outlets to stop depicting ESEA people in Coronavirus related media: Slide into our DMs and keep the conversation going! Jingle by John Clapper:

Om Podcasten

A fun and uplifting podcast exploring life, culture, politics as East and South East Asians in the UK by besean (Britain's East and South East Asian Network)