63 | How to Build a Humane Workplace Culture | Dr Jerry Gule

Building Better Cultures - Ein Podcast von Inspiring Change


In this episode of the Building Better Cultures podcast, Scott explores the Five Pillars for a Human Workplace with his guest, Dr. Jerry Gule, who has devoted a rich human resources career to working in multiple capacities towards creating healthy, inclusive workplace cultures. As CEO of the Institute of People Management in Johannesburg, South Africa, Jerry has had a front seat on the huge challenges and transformations that have occurred since apartheid ended a quarter century ago. He has helped managers proactively enfranchise workers and invite honest exchanges. He explains exactly how effective internal communications reflect enlightened leadership and transmit a message of inclusion, purpose and safety that resonates among personnel at every level.   Over the course of a remarkable career he has evolved Five Pillars for creating an environment in which the overarching culture is a unified and affirming: Yes! The ultimate goal is to inspire cultural changes in which all boats rise together.   Jerry walks us through his Five Pillars, sharing in detail his personal experience as well as what he sees globally in terms of evolving leadership approaches and constantly improving internal communications. Listen as he lays out his basic tenets for ensuring a humane workplace, which include: Be sociable. Psychological safety. Have a sharing culture. Have structures. Have spiritual connection/a sense of purpose.   More information about Dr. Jerry Gule’s lecture at the Working Places Inspirathon mentioned in the podcast is available here.   The Institute of People Management supports HR professionals through continuous professional development workshops, mentorship and conference opportunities. For more information visit: Institute of People Management   Key Takeaways: A big thank-you to listeners who have now lifted us past 20,000 downloads. An introduction to Jerry and how Scott first encountered his work. Jerry provides some background on his 30-year human resources career – from the 1980s, when he first joined the Institute of People Management as a member to taking on his current executive role in 2017. Jerry reflects on the end of apartheid and subsequent social/workplace change. The significance of the question: What kind of colleague do you want to be? Values must be embedded in the hearts of people up and down the business. The message behind the Zulu phrase: “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu.” – I am because you are Pandemic drove home our interconnectedness as humans and within the workplace. We are all in the same boat, and need/desire to row together. Jerry shares his Five Pillars for creating humane workplaces: Be sociable. (Even, or especially, when working remotely.) Psychological safety. (Without an atmosphere that is inclusive, trusting and open, employees will never be able to bring their A Game.) Have a sharing culture. (A give-and-take that promotes teamwork, leverages people’s strengths and creates a sense of abundance.) Have structures. (Boundaries ironically foster fluidity, offering individuals a container within which they can experiment, explore and create together.) Have spiritual connection/a sense of purpose. (Just as star athletes leave their hearts on the field, the most fulfilled workers go 100% each day.) Jerry’s defines his view of success and highlights the benefits that will accrue to those who cultivate a workplace (regardless sector) built upon his Five Pillars.

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