Patience to Inherit Our Promises

Brilliant Perspectives - Ein Podcast von Graham Cooke

Patience takes us into partnership with God’s presence. It makes us only vulnerable to His goodness and allows us to enjoy all that He is for us right now, in this present moment. When connected with faith, patience resists the negatives and produces a confident expectation in the promises of God. Key Scriptures: + James 1:2-4. Consider all circumstances as being joyful, knowing that the testing of faith produces patience that guarantees we will become fully mature and lacking in nothing. + James 5:7-8. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. + Hebrew 6:11-12: “Show the same diligence to enable you to realize the full assurance of hope to the end of your particular circumstances so that you will not be sluggish but become imitators of those who with faith and patience inherit the promise.” To stay connected with Graham Cooke and Team Brilliant, CLICK HERE.

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