You Don't Have to Have It All Figured Out in a Week with Your Host, Devyn Dodero

Breaking the Ice - Ein Podcast von breakingtheicepod - Mittwochs

Today is a minisode with me, your host!  Here are some things I chat about in this episode: Missing big life moments during the hockey season (weddings, babies, trips to see family) Sacrifices that we make as significant others in this lifestyle  Not trying to fix or get to the bottom of your feelings and just letting yourself feel them Our travel day over to the UK Navigating our kids having a hard time with the hockey season transition and how I've supported them with these changes  Moving and how it affects you mentally HOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE YOUR LIFE FIGURED OUT IN A WEEK (say it louder for the people in the back)   Follow me on IG!  Be a GUEST on BTI. CUSTOM GAME DAY APPAREL for the hockey season from

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