S3 Ep. 17 Trach – DAOs are Orgs: Moving at the speed of trust (in a trustless environment)

Boundaryless Conversations Podcast - Ein Podcast von Boundaryless SRL - Dienstags


Today we're joined by Tracheopteryx – or Trach – a pioneer of decentralized governance, operations, and compensation systems. Trach is co-founder of Coordinape and a previous contributor to yearn finance. In this conversation, we delve into what DAOs are and why the future lies in this framework. We also talk about the connection between ownership and decision-making, striving for a 'trustless' infrastructure, why we might not see companies like Apple or Google 'go DAO' soon, the role of six-person teams – and why everyone working on DAOs is, in essence, collaborating to create a greater pie. A full transcript of the episode can be found on our website: https://boundaryless.io/podcast/tracheopteryx/ Key Highlights We discussed: > What DAOs are and the key differences with corporate governance. > Trustless mechanisms and the Blockchain. > How likely existing traditional players are to embrace DAOs. > What we mean by the word 'trustless'. > How non-developers can get involved with DAOs projects. To Find Out More About Trach’s Work: > Twitter: https://twitter.com/tracheopteryx > Website: https://coordinape.com/ Other References and Mentions: > Compensation in DAOs with Tracheopteryx on the Collectively Intelligent Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/compensation-in-daos-with-tracheopteryx/id1577798978?i=1000538952056 > Helium: https://www.helium.com/technology > Colony: Distributed Organizations That Actually Work – with Aron Fischer and Jack du Rose: https://boundaryless.io/podcast/colony/ > Moving Beyond Coin Voting Governance by Vitalik Buterin: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/08/16/voting3.html > Blue Sky Project: https://blueskyweb.xyz/ > Thirsty Thirsty: https://www.thirstythirsty.org/ > Ronald Coase, The Nature of the Firm, 1937: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-0335.1937.tb00002.x Find Out More About the Show and the Research at Boundaryless: https://boundaryless.io/resources/podcast/ Thanks for the ad-hoc music to Liosound / Walter Mobilio. Find his portfolio here: https://boundaryless.io/podcast-music Recorded on 3 June 2022.

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