Music Talk 009 - Interviewing John Newman

In this video, I chat with UK hitmaker, singer-songwriter & producer John Newman. We discuss what it takes to write decent top lines for your music, he delves in-depth into his techniques and processes for writing lyrics. He chats about mental health and gives insights into how his career has changed and evolved over the course of the pandemic, his transitioning into more of a DJ/Producer making UK chart smashing music & festival anthems as well being a vocalist and he gives loads of production tips!

Om Podcasten

Music Talk is a Podcast by Grahame Farmer, Data Transmission. Grahame loads this podcast with tips for DJs and also motivation. The podcast will also feature music industry interviews with artists, label owners, promoters and music industry heads. Now in season 3, we've cover loads of topics from Spotify, Getting music signed to labels, and motivation. I've spoken to lawyers, promoters and record label owners all whilst trying to bring the inner workings of the music industry. Finally, I've talked about my own triumphs and failures along the way.