018 - Social Media Checklist for DJs with Myradh Cormican

I chatted with Social Media Marketing Guru Myradh Cormican to discuss creating this Social media checklist for DJs at our Data Transmission presents HACK THE DJ event at Unit Nine on International Women's Day - Friday 8th March. 

Myradh Cormican has over 8 years of experience within the electronic music industry creating and delivering international campaigns for artists, labels and events.   Running her own marketing agency she counts Sasha, Blond:ish, Patrice Baumel, Eats Everything & Archie Hamilton as full-time clients she heads up the marketing & social strategy for all, alongside consulting for a variety of other top DJs.

Download the Checklist Here - https://mailchi.mp/hackthedj/checklist

Follow Grahame Farmer:
Facebook: https://goo.gl/Xy6oD7
Instagram: https://goo.gl/HEfUMr
iTunes Podcast: http://apple.co/thedailyboostpod
YouTube: https://goo.gl/3JmFbF
1to1 Coaching: https://mailchi.mp/hackthedj.com/boostcoaching

Om Podcasten

Music Talk is a Podcast by Grahame Farmer, Data Transmission. Grahame loads this podcast with tips for DJs and also motivation. The podcast will also feature music industry interviews with artists, label owners, promoters and music industry heads. Now in season 3, we've cover loads of topics from Spotify, Getting music signed to labels, and motivation. I've spoken to lawyers, promoters and record label owners all whilst trying to bring the inner workings of the music industry. Finally, I've talked about my own triumphs and failures along the way.