EP20: Yannick Kiggen - Bonsai App Creation

Yannick is a Bonsai professional from Belgium , operating under the banner of “Yama Bonsai” where he offers education via courses, private workshops, demonstrations, as well as the sales and maintenance of trees.Yannick has been practising Bonsai since the age of 10 and has studied under tutelage of  renowned masters such as Kunio Kobayashi and Mario Komsta.In this episode we talk to Yannick about a new APP he has created which is designed to help both professionals and hobbyists track the photographic progress of their trees, as well as assisting with the scheduling of maintenance routines and tasks.

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Educational chats with leading artists, personalities and the pioneers from around the Bonsai world with David Segal from Australia and Tony Tickle from the UK.