HUES Women's Health Advocacy Institute-Dr. Nicole Carter

Dr. Nicole Carter founded HUES Women's Advocacy Institute to train Women of Color as health and wellness advocates to support other Women of Color in self-efficacy and advocacy. Her work stems from a personal experience managing three autoimmune disorders and connecting with her college students about their shared health concerns. She took on the responsibility of helping the students learn how to navigate health systems. The organic relationships built with the college students were the catalysts in creating the institute. Dr. Carter steers the focus beyond changing patient behaviors by addressing the actions of medical providers. Their provider-based institute teaches medical professionals how to provide inclusive, equitable care that centers on the history and lives of Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color. HUES was founded in the Summer of 2022; they have hit the ground running by garnering support and buy-in from the community. The intention is to continue hosting live events and growing their institute participants. One of their initiatives is the Blooming Circle of Advocates. The idea is that a flower blooms from one gene to help it bloom. It can take just one person to advocate for you or listen to you and change the trajectory of your care. Care should be intentional and thoughtful, which is why HUES delivers education for providers and care seekers.

Om Podcasten

Birth Stories in Color is a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino, and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences - a space that specifically celebrates, mourns with and supports them and their transformation through birth. Birth Stories in Color also emphasizes the role of storytelling as a way to equip future parents. Listening to real birth stories is one way to discover the expected and unexpected parts of the journey. We realize that there are birth stories not being heard. Our hope is that all who share and listen find this platform to be a community near and far, and an invaluable resource for navigating their own journey.