153 | The Other Side- Zoerina Ledwidge

In collaboration with Pacify Health, this month’s episodes will focus on the doulas. You’ll hear conversations with four Pacify Doulas, getting a chance to reflect on “ The Other Side” of birth. Today we meet Zoerina Ledwidge. A college assignment captured Zoerina’s attention; it was a report on the maternal mortality rates in the DC area. She took into account the disproportionate findings regarding Black women. The report introduced her to the positive impact of doula support for birth. Zoerina discovered Mamatoto Village, where she was introduced to holistic perinatal care. After training there and attending births; she was instantly hooked. They offered opportunities to shadow experienced doulas at births and that helped build her confidence. Zoerina balances the new ways of in-person and virtual support while anchoring in a holistic approach to birth. Initially, virtual support was tricky in developing a voice that was not in the birthing room with her first virtual client. There were lapses in communication now she feels like she has been able to get the kinks out. Letting go of her own expectations and allowing her presence alone to be the best thing she can provide for her clients. She helps her clients develop birth wishes instead of birth plans to ease their minds about what they want to happen; allowing them to surrender into the process. Pacify’s virtual doula app has supported Zoerina’s passion for finding new ways to serve the black community. Because Pacify is available to all people with Medicaid in select states, it provides accessible care for Black people who may not be able to take on the expense. Over 50% of the doulas on the network are Black; culturally affirming and sensitive care is critical. This platform allows Zoerina and other doulas to answer questions that may not be addressed during prenatal visits regarding common discomforts and concerns. Many topics can be addressed during the doula calls; the importance of prenatal care, finding a doctor or midwife they trust, explaining the process of labor and birth, pain management and coping skills, bodily changes, and stress management are just a few. A few takeaways from Zoerina - get a doula, there is a doula for everyone, and seek lactation support for infant feeding. Lactation consultants support formula feeding and breast/chestfeeding. Pacify offers both!

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Birth Stories in Color is a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino, and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences - a space that specifically celebrates, mourns with and supports them and their transformation through birth. Birth Stories in Color also emphasizes the role of storytelling as a way to equip future parents. Listening to real birth stories is one way to discover the expected and unexpected parts of the journey. We realize that there are birth stories not being heard. Our hope is that all who share and listen find this platform to be a community near and far, and an invaluable resource for navigating their own journey.