Book of Kings Speedrun (Is Elisha Losing It?)

We're all a little over Elisha's shiny, no-grit personality, so this week we're doing a SPEEDRUN through Kings to cover Elisha AND a few new(ish) faces. But just when we thought Elisha had nothing too interesting left to offer, we start to wonder: is this  prophet starting to lose his finesse? Or is it normal to douse people with oil and then run away? SUPPORT THE SHOW ONPatreonInstagramFacebookSupport the showSUPPORT THE SHOW ONPatreonInstagramFacebook

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All story, no religion, add vodka and stir. Bibleish is a comedic, tipsy podcast about the best-selling book of all time: the Bible. Lily grew up Catholic. Angela has never cracked open the Good Book. Neither of them are religious experts, so get ready to enjoy these stories in a brand new way.