28. One Day...You Will Die. Will Your Family Be Prepared? ..9 things to do to leave a lasting legacy for your family after you pass away

Better Together! Christian Marriage and Parenting - Ein Podcast von DJ and Lorrie Harry - Mittwochs

So we just talked with Audra Smith and one of the things that we took away was the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. When Jeremy (Audra's husband) got sick and ended up in the hospital it was too late for him to put the affairs of their house in order. That was definitely something we have been thinking about since that conversation as well. She talked about the grief of losing her husband...but then the pain of having to figure out finances, bills, bank statements, wills, credit cards....it was like it just kept adding on...and was overwhelming......so we are doing something about it! We came up with a list of 9 things that we are going to do to make sure we are covered if something were to happen to either of us...not that we are planning on it! So that is our topic today...9 things to get in order today in case something happens to you tomorrow.

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