Morten: Tee, Kontemplation und Selbstregulation

In dieser Episode geht es um Tee und Meditation. Morten Menge ist seit vielen Jahren ein begeisterter Teetrinker. Er weiss nicht nur viel über Tee, sondern nutzt ihn ganz gezielt für seine Kontemplationspraxis und Selbstregulierung. Tee ist sein Lehrer - und was das genau bedeutet, erzählt er in diesem Gespräch. Mehr über Morten erfährst du hier: 

Om Podcasten

Being Underwater is a project about inner life in the digital age. Hosted by social entrepreneur and anthropologist Joana Breidenbach, this series of interviews tries to uncover the language we use to describe our inner worlds, as well as the tools or practices that help us decipher them. These conversations are important to engage in at any time, however with the onset of the digital age, they present a new urgency. As machines and algorithms threaten to know and understand us better than we do ourselves, we are faced with an evolutionary pressure to expand our consciousness and comprehend greater amounts of complexity. We must understand who we are, and what it is that we want, in order to define our relationship with technology, rather than allowing technology to define us. The project was conceived by Joana Breidenbach and edited by Siena Powers. Angus Sewell McCann composed the main theme music, and Vincent Augustus mixed the second theme. All visuals were created by Florentin Aisslinger.