Trailer: The Language of Feelings

What are feelings? Why do we have them? And what are they actually trying to tell us? We find out in the brand new season of Daytime Explorers. Feelings are very important. They make us feel things in order to help us with something. Helping us – and the people around us - better understand what we really really need and want.  And guess what little explorer?  When we are able to speak to – and about – our feelings - WE become stronger, braver explorers in life. Just one more set of handy tools to have at the ready in our explorer backpacks. Daytime Explorers: The language of Feelings.See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Slow down and snuggle down with Kinderling's relaxing meditation series, specially designed to soothe kids to sleep. Join mindfulness coach Amy Taylor-Kabbaz, as she guides kids on wonderful, imaginative journeys to magical places, visiting animals with super powers, and meeting up with some very friendly dinosaurs. Check out Amy's website at