102 Navigating Your Dog's Separation Anxiety Through the Holiday Season

Are you uncertain about how the holiday season will impact your dog's separation anxiety? In this latest podcast episode, we address the common concerns and questions surrounding separation anxiety during this time of year. We're diving into the potential effects of holiday routines and we'll look at practical advice on whether to continue training during this period. Learn how to manage your dog's separation anxiety during holiday travels and get tips on what to expect if you take a break from training. Embrace the upcoming holiday season with confidence and look forward to a motivated start in January. Tune in for all my insights and tips. Meanwhile, if you're ready to make 2024 the year you smash separation anxiety, join the waitlist for my private membership, Separation Anxiety Heroes. 

Om Podcasten

How do I get my dog over separation anxiety? How can I leave my dog without him constantly barking or me coming back to destruction? These are just some of the big questions that dog separation anxiety specialist, Julie Naismith, tackles in her podcast. The podcast episodes are packed with how-to guides, step-by-step training blueprints, and tips and tricks to survive separation anxiety. Each episode is packed with tips, tricks and actionable steps. And Julie also shares her story of how she and her dog survived separation anxiety.