Would Banks Win a Lawsuit Against the Basel III Capital Plan?

Greg Baer, CEO of the Bank Policy Institute, makes the case that regulators did not follow the law when they proposed new capital standards for the biggest banks by failing to provide adequate analysis and data. He details what he believes is missing and why he’s confident a final rule will be substantially different.

Om Podcasten

Banking with Interest, a podcast by IntraFi, features in-depth analysis and insight into the policy changes reshaping the banking industry. With insightful interviews and previews of pending policy challenges, the podcast is an essential listen for anyone connected to the financial services industry. Banking with Interest is hosted by Rob Blackwell, an award-winning former journalist with more than two decades of experience as an expert on financial services policy. He is now Chief Content Officer and Head of External Affairs with IntraFi. The podcast theme song was written and produced by Stellar Tracks courtesy of Pond5. The information, views, and opinions expressed during Banking With Interest belong solely to Rob Blackwell and his guests and do not represent those of IntraFi LLC, its directors, management, or employees. Any ideas and strategies contained within the podcast are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal or investment advice.