She’s Raising Sheep: Mickey Willenbring of Oregon, Part 2

This episode of Voices from the Field continues a discussion between Mickey Willenbring, a lifelong shepherd who raises Navajo-churro and Karakul sheep in Western Oregon, and NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Linda Poole. Mickey touches on the value of reading, the role of on-farm experiments, the need for a good veterinarian/client relationship, and learning from people we don't agree with. Related ATTRA Resources:· Episode 325. She’s Raising Sheep: Mick...

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From cover crops to regenerative grazing and organic production to marketing, ATTRA - Voices from the Field is your weekly sustainable agriculture podcast. Voices from the Field is produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). Since 1976, NCAT has provided relevant information, individualized technical assistance and in-depth resources to support sustainable agriculture and accessible energy solutions. Learn more at NCAT.ORG and ATTRA.NCAT.ORG.