As Above So Below, Soul Mates, Manifestation & Cleaning Your Room!

YouTube episode: A few different kinds of explanations for the Hermetic phrase, "As Above, So Below" which in its essence means that whatever we do on Earth will be reflected in the spiritual plane and vice versa. This question was asked in a live Q&A session in our Discord. Support Astral Doorway on Patreon to join the live Q&As, guided meditations, dream interpretations, early-access episodes, news about my upcoming books, spiritual advice & more: 💛 If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe & share! #AsAboveSoBelow #SoulMates #Manifestation

Om Podcasten

The purpose of this channel is to spread awareness about the reality and practice of awakening consciousness through deep meditation, yoga, astral projection, and more; ultimately guiding us all closer to our own specific 'Path of Inner Initiation into the Greater Mysteries of Reality... and Beyond Reality!' If you want to donate, you can join the Discord group for live Q&As, early-access episodes, forums & more. This also helps others by supporting the channel: YouTube: