Who Are ALLi's Ambassadors and What Do They Do? ALLi Campaigns Podcast with Melissa Addey and Holly Greenland

This week, Campaigns Manager Melissa Addey and Blog Manager Holly Greenland explore the role of ALLi’s ambassadors: who they are and what they do. From opening up awards to speaking at events and gathering facts and figures all around the world, the ambassadors are part of ALLi’s outreach, amplifying ALLi’s voice to authors everywhere. Ambassadors work with our campaigning efforts to understand what needs to be done to support indie authors and make it happen. Find more author advice, tips, and tools at our self-publishing advice center. And, if you haven’t already, we invite you to join our organization and become a self-publishing ally. Now, go write and publish! About the Hosts Orna Ross launched the Alliance of Independent Authors at the London Book Fair in 2012. Her work for ALLi has seen her named as one of The Bookseller’s “100 top people in publishing”. She also publishes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction and is greatly excited by the democratizing, empowering potential of author-publishing. For more information about Orna, visit her website. Melissa Addey has a PhD in creative writing and writes historical fiction set in first-century Rome, eleventh-century Morocco and eighteenth-century China. She runs writing workshops covering both craft and entrepreneurship, most frequently for the British Library. She's also ALLi's campaigns manager, a role in which she loves observing and supporting the vast diversity of self-published authors. Visit her at her website and pick up a free novella.

Om Podcasten

The Self-Publishing Advice and Inspirations Podcast from the Alliance of Independent Authors provides a comprehensive guide for indie authors. Wednesdays offer "Advice," featuring "Member Q&A" hosted by Sacha Black and Michael La Ronn, "Publishing for Profit" by Orna Ross, "Creating Better Books" with Howard Lovy, and "Reaching More Readers" led by Holly Greenland and Dale Roberts. Sundays bring "Inspirations," including "Inspirational Indie Author Interviews" hosted by Howard Lovy, "Monthly Creative Planning" with Orna Ross, and "ALLi Campaigns" led by Melissa Addey. Fridays present "News," where Dan Holloway breaks down the week's key self-publishing updates.