Inspirational Indie Author Interview #150: Wayne Kelly. Through Songs, Films, and Novels, British Author is a Born Storyteller

My guest this episode is Wayne Kelly, an indie-published author of crime fiction. With a passion that spans songwriting, filmmaking, and novel writing, Wayne is a born storyteller who lives out his dream through multiple forms of media. In this conversation, Wayne opens up about his creative process and the unique journey that led him to where he is today. Find more author advice, tips, and tools at our Self-publishing Author Advice Center, with a huge archive of 2,000+ blog posts, and a handy search box to find key info on the topic you need. We invite you to join our organization and become a self-publishing ally. About the Host Howard Lovy has been a journalist for more than 35 years and now amplifies the voices of independent author-publishers and works with authors as a developmental editor. Find Howard at, LinkedIn, and X.

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The Self-Publishing Advice and Inspirations Podcast from the Alliance of Independent Authors provides a comprehensive guide for indie authors. Wednesdays offer "Advice," featuring "Member Q&A" hosted by Sacha Black and Michael La Ronn, "Publishing for Profit" by Orna Ross, "Creating Better Books" with Howard Lovy, and "Reaching More Readers" led by Holly Greenland and Dale Roberts. Sundays bring "Inspirations," including "Inspirational Indie Author Interviews" hosted by Howard Lovy, "Monthly Creative Planning" with Orna Ross, and "ALLi Campaigns" led by Melissa Addey. Fridays present "News," where Dan Holloway breaks down the week's key self-publishing updates.