Ep. 514 Decoding Women
Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - Ein Podcast von Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Freitags

Figuring women out can be so hard, BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE because you always have us. But, today you ALSO have sought-after dating coach for women, Kelsey Wonderlin on to give us EVEN MORE insights into women: what they say they want versus what they really want, how to be yourself AND the guy they want and on and on and on. This show covers it all! >>>To become the most witty, charming, attractive and polished version of yourself, apply to work with Kristen here: https://www.kristenandchilldating.com/coaching>>>Get A FREE Dating Playbook Session with Marni’s Wing Girl Team. Apply Here: https://winggirlmethod.com/letmehelp