Ep. 344 How To ONLINE Date During A Pandemic
Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - Ein Podcast von Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Freitags

I know we're all slowly getting back out there BUT most likely we'll all be moving back in. Which means that online dating will once again become the key resource for meeting women. And virtual dates will be replacing most of your first dates. Which is why we brought on Televisions best resource for online dating Carmelia Ray to discuss how to online dating during a pandemic. We discuss a ton on this show but mainly focus on: 1. How to date online during a pandemic 2. Virtual date best practices 3. What to do on virtual dates 4. Best lighting and angles and outfits for virtual dates and so much more! Guest: Carmelia Ray - https://www.carmeliaray.com/ Find out more about matching making with Carmelia Ray https://carmelia-ray-matchmaking.smartmatchapp.com/client/submissionform/14/